For those who do not know Maryse Roumain, this is how she defines herself and her work.
Maryse Roumain: I studied at The Sorbonne, Columbia University, and the Graduate Center City University of New York—where I obtained a Doctorate in Developmental Psychology. I have a commitment to research and improving the lives of children.
I am the wife of a man who comes from a political family; he is endowed with strong political convictions. I am the mother of two wonderful children, and the grandmother of two amazing girls who are my joy and consolation. I have the responsibility to accompany them in solidarity on their journey on Earth. That is what I do.
I am blessed to come from a family that places education above all things. From an early age, I was attracted to philosophy, psychology, history, and politics. I am motivated and governed by a work ethic rooted in my family and in my people. I strongly value work.
I am a world music lover.
I have redefined myself many times and am at present an “unorthodox” writer of research, autobiographical texts, and political commentaries.
J’écris pour dire, j’écris pour me souvenir.
I have been involved as a community advocate and in political activities for a better world for a long time. I write about my life to tell and to testify that I am alive and that I contribute.
VoicesfromHaiti: What is your earliest memory?

Maryse Roumain: I remember being bullied and rescued from isolation by my friend. We wrote each other letters. We had such a beautiful rapport. I lost my girlfriend to a tonton macoute. He took her family away. I guess my friend had to betray me in order to save the ones closest to her. I suffered from abuse and was victimized by many. I have experienced friendship and its loss. I am deeply marked by and reminiscent of these encounters. I am still trying to recover from certain wounds . . .
VoicesfromHaiti: What do you consider to be the most important event in your life?
Maryse Roumain: I wish it were the recognition of my contribution to make the world a better place. I wish it were the company and inspiration of God. I have His presence in my life—this goes back a long time.
Undeniably, it’s been of utmost importance that I was able to reflect on my life and communicate to the public through my books: Life Goes On, a Reflective Diary (2009) and Evocations of My Past (2011). I published two political essays: Why Pluralism is an Alternative? (2010) and, Haiti: Vers un Nouveau Départ (2011).
Writing and Publishing are for me new “raison d’être”, a “raison de vivre.” I have found my voice through this literary genre. I have found my occupation, in a sense. It’s like a renaissance, a renewal of my potentialities.
VoicesfromHaiti: What is your greatest hope for Haiti in 2012?

Maryse Roumain: I hope the musician who is our president keeps being the dynamic person he has revealed himself to be. I hope, also, that we are able to democratize and modernize our economic and political system.
VoicesfromHaiti: What is your greatest fear?
Maryse Roumain: Anonymity
VoicesfromHaiti: If you could be anyone in Haitian history, who would that be and why?
Maryse Roumain: Haitian history being a history of men, I have trouble finding the woman I would like to have been. I’d like to have been a successful professional person who led a productive and meaningful life, but I don’t know who that would be.
VoicesfromHaiti: What super-power would you like to have? How would you use it?
Maryse Roumain: I wish I were a psychic, who had the power to influence life on Earth, politically, economically, socially, culturally and otherwise. Who knows? Perhaps, I could help God achieve his kingdom of equilibrium, peace, prosperity, and happiness for all.
VoicesfromHaiti: What is the main lesson you have learned in life so far?
Maryse Roumain: Not to be too trusting. Choose your companions carefully, though the prospect of a life without friends is a scary one.
VoicesfromHaiti: What words of wisdom do you live by?
Maryse Roumain: Enjoy my family life. Enjoy working. Live in peace with God. Cherish friendship. Care for my health. Respect Diversity.
You mentioned working on healing wounds and you show doing so with methodological patience and grace. I seriously honor that. I’m proud to be related and proud to share this post.
You are a true survivor. I admire your strength and your optimism.Hopefully few could learn healthier coping skills through your writings.
Very interesting and insightful interview Tante Maryse.